Thursday, November 15, 2007

Changing Practice

Hello everyone! As the 'outside evaluator' for this Teaching American History project, we are really interested in hearing about what you have been doing in your classrooms. I've already heard informally that some of you have made changes to your 'Thanksgiving' units. It would be greatly appreciated if you'd just add a simple note here on the blog about things you have done differently, maybe what's worked well and even what didn't work so well. I'm sure your fellow teachers would enjoy reading them as well!


  1. In covering the Jacksonian period, I've asked my AP US History class to read the actual primary source documents surrounding the Indian Removal Act (including the Act itself and Chief Justice Marshall's rulings in Cherokee Nation v Georgia and Worcester v Georgia). I probably wouldn't have had them review all three documents if it weren't for the project.
    As for Thanksgiving--we've moved beyond that timeframe, but I'll probably do a mini discussion next Wednesday which will definitely draw on the material we were presented with at Plimoth.

  2. Our semester ends this Wednesday and we only have a half day. So for my two classes that day I thought I'd do something similar to what we did after our tour. Start with a KWL and then have the students read Winslow's letter and compare it to what we think we know. These kids love a good controversy so I'm hoping the discussion will be interesting.
