Thursday, May 8, 2008

Year End Comments

Abby Kelley Foster's Teaching American History grant project is nearing the end of our first year. We still have the Mashantucket-Pequot Museum visit coming up on Friday May 16th to complete the academic year and our first Summer Institute during the third week in July (Monday July 14-Friday July 18).

Our blog site has been under-utilized, though. I'd like to encourage participating teachers, scholars, and Steering Committee members to share their comments about what has worked, what needs to be worked on, and any memorable events over the course of the year--in workshops or in classroom application.

New teachers and those who will be joining us over the summer, please feel free to add your own comments about hopes and expectations.

Looking forward to a good end of the year, a great Summer Institute, and an even better Year 2.

John Daly

Project Director/Manager

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